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This is my 19th year at NPMS and I have taught Math, Science, and Social Studies in the 6th grade and Math in the 7th grade. I also served as the Student Support Coordinator in the 21-22 school year. I have a BA from Austin Peay State University, an MA from Walden University, and an MA in Educational Leadership from Austin Peay State University.
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  • Students are expected to follow all team/school rules. Our expectations at NPMS are Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Engaged.
  • Show all work in problems if given those directions by the teacher in order to receive full credit (SAW – Show All Work).
  • Participate in class appropriately. Any type of class disruption will not be tolerated. We are going to follow the SLANT strategy. S - Sit Up; L - Lean Forward & Listen; A - Ask & Answer Questions; N - Nod Your Head; T - Track the Speaker
  • Classroom Rules are: Be polite, Be positive, Be prepared, Be productive, and Be prompt.

Classroom Books