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Hello! I am so excited to be a part of New Providence Middle School. I have been teaching for 4 years ( this will be my 5th year). In those four years I have taught an array of subjects: Science, Social Studies, ELA, Spanish and public speaking. As the new social studies teacher at New Providence Middle School, I bring a passion for education fueled by my Master's degree. With a commitment to fostering critical thinking and global awareness, I strive to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment where students can explore history, culture, and civic responsibility. Together, we'll embark on a journey of discovery, empowering young minds to become informed and active citizens of tomorrow.
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  • Enter Class Silently
  • Start Bell Ringer Immediately
  • Be seated BEFORE tardy bell
  • 100% participation
  • Be Prepared Daily
  • Follow Directions the first time given
  • Respect yourself and others AT ALL TIMES*
  • Keep an open mind
  • Water ONLY in water bottles
  • No food or Gum
  • Complete ALL assignments and turn in ON TIME*
  • Follow school rules and BE ENGAGED in your learning

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